Significance. For Life.


Impact for Living will present inspirational and motivational, regional and national conferences that will feature dynamic speakers and sessions designed to maximize the legacy we were meant to leave and the significant lives we were meant to live.

Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, pastors, church leaders, business executives, sports leaders, second-career seekers, youth and young adults, and men and women seeking to move from success to significance will be challenged to identify their Purpose, Potential, Passion and Platform.

Your Legacy—the imprint that your life leaves on this earth—was not intended to be accidental or coincidental. It has been intentionally designed by God and must be the result of a life convinced of its significance and dedicated to embracing the significance and potential in others. And at the end of it all, the legacy you leave will provide the answer and insight into what your life meant while you were here.

You are distinctly blessed with a unique Purpose, Potential, Passion and Platform. These “Four Ps” shape your life, your influence and all you were created to be. When understood, fully utilized and developed, they dramatically define and enrich the legacy you were meant to live each day and leave a legacy of eternal impact for today, tomorrow, for others and for all the world.


You were created to fulfill a destiny only you can fulfill. Your life—and its contribution—were not meant to be directed by chance. God created you for specific and significant things. It’s time to begin that journey!


Into every one of you the Creator shaped abilities, interest and motivations in combinations and magnitudes like no one else. These gifts equip you to uniquely impact your world. Use them!


What do you love, and what do you love to do? What inspired you in the past? Your passion has immense life-shaping energy and power. Turn it loose!


You stand where no one else stands. Your relationships, family, life-work and experiences elevate you to a singular position of prominence in the lives of people all around you. They believe in you and receive value from your input. It’s time to step up to those platforms for the good of those around you and beyond!


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